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Financial Secretary


Your participation matters

It will be the Legislative Council (LegCo) election in just 9 days. Many candidates are busy at running their election campaign through sharing their visions and ideas for Hong Kong’s development, and showcasing their capability in order to win the support of the voters. This reflects that Hong Kong has entered a new paradigm of development.

Indeed, in order to promote a prosperous and stable development for Hong Kong, a harmonious society with mutual respect, and a sense of achievement and satisfaction for our people, we need not only the administration to deliver with full effort, but also our citizens to participate in public affairs proactively.

Yesterday, I went out with my colleagues during lunch hour to promote the upcoming LegCo election and encourage people to vote.

Your participation and support are crucial for Hong Kong’s success.

Yesterday, I went out with my colleagues during lunch hour to promote the upcoming LegCo election and encourage people to vote. With the LegCo playing the function of monitoring and facilitating, I am sure we can built a better future for Hong Kong together. Many citizens shared with me their support towards the election and their eagerness to vote on the election day.

Yesterday, I went out with my colleagues during lunch hour to promote the upcoming LegCo election and encourage people to vote.

The candidates for the election have a very diversified background, representing different strata, interests and parts of the political spectrum. Apart from those from political parties whom we are more familiar with, there are also professionals from different industries, leaders from business sector, labour sector or associations, former government officials and people from grassroot.

In short, the improved electoral system has shown a wide representativeness, inclusiveness, balanced participation and fair competition. I believe the future composition of the LegCo will better represent the overall interests of Hong Kong and help us better address the deep-seated problems accumulated over our past development process.

Over the years, we have missed the opportune time and moment for solving problems in the society due to the non-functioning of the LegCo, leading to a stagnation in Hong Kong’s development. With this historic opportunity for us to step out of the past difficult situation, the whole society can come together to help Hong Kong move forward. Let’s vote together on 19 December!

10 December 2021

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