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Financial Secretary


Enhancing Hong Kong's competitiveness while upholding market quality


A gist of the blog:

A robust and vibrant financial market that can serve the real economy is the key to success for Hong Kong as an international financial and fund-raising centre. As such, it is crucial for us to make timely and corresponding adjustments on our financial market framework to meet the changing needs of enterprises and investors, when innovative technologies have been disrupting our ways of living, consumption, communication, as well as the business models of companies. Based on these observations and considerations, the Government considers that corporates with weighted-voting-rights structure should be allowed to list in Hong Kong’s financial market. What is most important is that these corporates will disclose sufficient information, and that there are suitable safeguards to protect the rights of the investors, so that the investors can make informed choices.

The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited is going to announce the relevant proposals in mid-December, and will jointly consult the market with the Securities and Futures Commission in the 1st quarter of next year. I hope the stakeholders could share with us their important and valuable views.

December 3, 2017

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